Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Which HRC Cases Had the Biggest National Coverage?

In my recent post on Ezra Levant's interview on CTV, I didn't mention the content of the interviews and concentrated on the farce of a live censorship, and my arguments as to why Levant was even invited by CTV in the first place.

One interesting point is Levant's mention of three high profile HRC cases of homosexuals going after Christian individuals or organizations.

The HRC cases that caused the biggest national stir were not the homosexual ones.

There is of course the case involving the Mohammed cartoons (against him), and the case against MacLeans for publishing an article by Mark Steyn.

And who filed these cases? Muslims.

How did Muslims get into Canada, a traditionally Christian country?

As I've been saying, the most important link that Levant can make during his fight to dismantle the HRCs is the one between the HRCs and immigration, and more specifically, between multiculturalism and immigration.