In my last post on the HRCs and immigration, I included all the other minority groups as a sub-set of the visible minority immigrant group, which bring more cases to the HRCs every year.
There is a double, triple, or quadruple whammy here.
For arguments sake, a visible minority immigrant woman can file TWICE (as a woman and as a visible minority). And THREE TIMES if she is also disabled or FOUR TIMES if she calls herself a homosexual.
I don't know what this means in terms of recompensations from the HRCs (and of course the tax-paying Canadians who are footing the bill). But, it could potentially double, triple or even QUADRUPLE her monetary demands.
Not only that, she will be forever a PROTECTED CLASS. No one will touch her for fear of almost guaranteed retaliation by her, the HRCs and the government.
This is the legacy that Ezra Levant has to be fighting to make a real difference.