Thursday, June 4, 2009

Islam As a Flase Religion

Fr. Zakaria Botros

Here is an interesting interview Jamie Glasov of Frontpagemag had with Coptic priest Fr. Zakaria Botros.

Glasov's main question is, "In what way can you summarize for us why you think that Islam is a 'false' religion?"

But, Glasov wants to get into rather lurid details - which seems to be his style - so I don't recommend reading the whole piece, at least I didn't.

Now, to Glasov's question, "In what way can you summarize for us why you think that Islam is a 'false' religion?", here is what Fr. Zakaria Botros had to say:
Fr. Zakaria Botros: Of all the religions [Islam] is the only one that has to threaten its adherents with death if they try to break away...Islam spread by force, by the edge of the sword, by fear, threats, and lurid enticements to the basest desires of man.  

Glasov: You always document your discussions with Islamic sources. Why do Muslim clerics and imams have such a difficulty discussing what Islam itself teaches and instead just attack you personally?

Fr. Zakaria Botros: I think the answer is obvious. The Islamic sources, the texts, speak for themselves. Muslims have no greater enemy than their own scriptures—particularly the Hadith and Sira—which constantly scandalize and embarrass Muslims...

So what can the sheikhs of Islam do? If they try to address the issue I raise based on Islam’s texts and sharia, they will have no choice but to agree...The only strategy left them, then, is to ignore all that I present and attack my person, instead.

And when well-meaning Muslims ask their leaders to respond to these charges, one of their favorite responses is to quote the Koran, where it says “Do not ask questions of things that will hurt you.”

This is why the issues I broach often traumatize Muslims—like a freshening slap across the face: a short, sharp, shock. The stubborn, who take it as an attack of "us versus them," irrespective of truths, just fume and plot to kill me; the other, more reasonable Muslims, who are really searching for the truth, end up waking up to the biggest hoax perpetrated on the human race in 1400 years, and many come to the ultimate Truth.

[Muslims' rationale for following the outragious commands in the Koran is] because Muhammad—"Allah’s prayers and blessings be upon him"—said so. Period. Who created such a practice? Muhammad. Why? Who knows...

[S]haria law’s totalitarian approach serves to brainwash Muslims, making them automatons that never question their religion, or, in the words of their own Koran, "Do not ask questions that may prove harmful to them."
I have maintained that Muslims clerics' unequivocal rigidity when it comes to Islam and the Koran, their inability to take any criticism at all, stems from their deep-seated insecurity and realization that theirs is a false religion. Maybe not all realize this, but there must be a point when a lucid thought passes through the mind of a more open-minded, intellectually honest cleric, who then has to hide his feeling (revelation) with more and more stringent demands.