Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jason Kenney Will Not Help Ezra Levant

Once again on the theme of HRCs, immigration and multiculturalism (or visible minorities), Jason Kenney, Conservative Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, was interviewed by the busy Steve Paiken last night on TVO (video now available).

According to this interview, Kenney has dedicated his fourteen years in politics, right up to is recent appointment in this ministerial post, on how to include immigrants and visible minorities into the Canadian society.

It is a laudable endeavor, except during some of Paiken's piercing questions, his ignorance, bad faith, and wishful thinking, come to the fore.
PAIKEN: Would you agree that there are too many Canadians who are coming to this country today from other countries where the respect for [our] liberal democratic values don’t exist, and they are not embracing them adequately as they come to Canada?

KENNEY: Look we can always point to isolated examples…

PAIKEN: But are they only isolated examples?

KENNEY: It’s hard to know, Steve, it’s hard to know.
And a little later on, Paiken impatiently asks:
PAIKEN: Is the family that may have just come here for example from Pakistan, that very much favors sharia law, but perhaps is too fundamentalist to be consistent with Canadian values, and not interested in embracing Western values? Is there too much of that happening?

KENNEY: There’s no easy index to say whether there is too much.
Kenney knows full well that there are plenty of indices out there to support Paiken's observations. This is the type of blind eye that has let the HRCs continue to flourish.

I'm afraid if Levant follows my proposal on how to combat the HRCs, Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, will not be a good ally.