Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Patron Activist of this Site

I took a while trying to find a succinct phrase to head this blog. In the end, I decided anything I said would be insignificant, and why not have a patron saint of sorts, or as I call it in this post's title, a patron activist.

I think I found just the right phrase, and right person, in Geert Wilders.

Wilders has been in the news a lot these few months, and has been traveling quite a bit.

Of course, the most promising and hopeful news of all is how well his party did in the recent EU elections.

Below is the video of a recent interview he gave to an irritating Danish journalist, who asks him what he would do to with all the Muslims in the Netherlands. The interviewer asks this question twice. It seems he didn’t hear Wilders's response (or listen) the first time.

The kindness that shines through in true leaders is evident in Wilders. Besides giving all the conditions that would merit Muslim deportation from the Netherlands, he says that those who are genuine about assimilating into Dutch culture would be welcome to stay.

In fact, says Wilders, he (and the Dutch) would help them as much as possible, giving them money for education etc…

Now, in comparison, what Muslim leader would make such generous efforts to have non-Muslims (and particularly Christians and Jews) integrate into his society?

The first time the interviewer asks Wilders the above question is around the 6:11 point in the video. The second time, it is around the 7:35 point.