Friday, October 16, 2009

Update on Hope and Optimism

The link I provided in my comment: "This is how Levant should be thinking, and not 'optimistically' finish off his incomplete mission" at my post on Wednesday leads to an incorrect link (the up-to-date list of my HRC posts). I should have linked it to Levant's own post which he simply titles "Why I'm Optimistic" where he confesses that he has "never been more optimistic" on the fate (negative) of the HRCs and his contributions to that effect.

This relates better to my critique on my Wednesday post. I think that Levant's narrow focus on the HRCs and ignoring or downplaying the overall picture surrounding them shouldn't be cause for optimism, since that is a work only partially done. I hope now that my Hope and Optimism post reads a little more coherently.