Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hope and Optimism

Ezra Levan't optimism, which I wrote about yesterday, reminds me of the hope that Lars Hedegaard talked about on Michael Coren's show a couple of weeks ago. When asked by Coren if there is any hope, Hedegaard replies "Of course there is hope, there's always hope."

I agree in an abstract sort of way there is always hope. But, in a country that cannot set its immigration laws without the EU either dismantling or modifying them, I find Hedegaard's optimism for Denmark to be on the same level as Levant's for Canada. Hate crime is already part of the criminal code in Canada, and Section 13 has not been revoked yet, and many say that Harper's Conservative government won't do anything about it.

So, freedom of speech, dismantling of the HRCs, these are the missions of these men. At the end of the day, all the effort they make, all the hope and optimism they have, may just go up in smoke because of the systemic barriers to those missions.