Friday, October 30, 2009

Levant Finally Admits the Root Problems of the Human Rights Commissions

Levant is finally admitting clearly and unequivocally who and what the root problems are in the HRCs. Here he is quoted in the Canadian Jewish News:
Levant [says the] human rights commissions...have fostered a climate of censorship, media chill and political correctness that’s now being exploited by those he calls enemies of the West, Israel and the Jewish People.

"The Jews should have known better,” Levant said. “We know about the ‘hard jihad,’ but the ‘soft jihad’ is far more effective and clever – it says to find the weakness in the law."

At the commission, however, Soharwardy [the Muslim complainant] found a far more sympathetic ear – in Levant’s view because he is Muslim.

Because of the pervasive climate of political correctness that infuses human rights commissions, Levant asserts, little heed is paid to Jewish or Christian complainants...

Regarding Muslim groups that file complaints with human rights tribunals, "the Canadian Islamic Congress did far more to destroy western freedom than 9/11 did,” Levant said. “Nine/11 did not change how we live, but [the Canadian Islamic Congress] got editors to censor ourselves."
Levant quibbles a little with the reporter - that it isn't the CIC that did the damage but the cartoon threats in general. But he is using heavy language to talk about a specific group and their specific modus operandi to shut him and others up in the name of their religion (I've bolded these emphatic words).

After Levant has clearly identified the problematic group, labeled it as an enemy of the West, described its strategy, and the force of its destruction, what more does he have to say? Nothing.

He surely has read enough online views, blogs and immigration restriction advocates to realize what the remedy is, even if he couldn't come up with it himself? What use is someone telling me that there is a wolf in the neighborhood ready to eat small children and pet dogs if I, and the neighborhood, don't lay out strategies to get rid of this intruder?

Perhaps Levant's next battle will be with himself, to pull out these logical conclusions from of his arguments.