Monday, October 5, 2009

Jonathan Kay, the Feeble Spokesman for the National Post

Jonathan Kay has written a report on Kurt Westergaard's visit at the National Post. Only the last sentence is worth quoting, and taking apart. Kay writes:
I don't blame Canadian politicians for courting Muslim voters, or any other ethno-religious group. But I'd urge them to think about Westergaard's test when they do so. Welcoming newcomers into our society in exchange for their embrace of liberal values is the essence of the Canadian social contract. Welcoming them without any conditions at all, on the other hand, means living behind steel doors.
Kay's ignorance and liberalism is at display for all to see. Muslims will enter Canada with "conditions," and once they enter under the false promises of keeping these "conditions," will resume their natural activity of being Muslims.

Kay is of course advocating assimilation - or policies that demand assimilation of immigrants. But, no true Muslim will want to assimilate into Canadian culture. In fact, his very religion prohibits it. So Kay, behind his rose-colored glasses, is essentially condemning us to live behind steel doors for eternity.

Plus, one final point. What does Kay mean by "I don't blame Canadian politicians for courting Muslim voters, or any other ethno-religious group."? What feeble logic, and spineless argumentation. Isn't it the job of a journalist, who has the benefit of freedom of the press (so far), to make stringent demands on leaders and politicians? In every little way, the liberalism of Canadians, even within the so-called right-leaning National Post, becomes painfully evident.