Saturday, January 9, 2010

We Will Pay Dearly for Having Left Our Spiritual Foundations

This is paraphrasing the Archbishop of Prague, Cardinal Miloslav Vlk. He goes on to say:
Europe has denied its Christian roots from which it has risen and which could give it the strength to fend off the danger that it will be conquered by Muslims, which is actually happening gradually.

At the end of the Middle Ages and in the early modern age, Islam failed to conquer Europe with arms. The Christians beat them then. Today, when the fighting is done with spiritual weapons, which Europe lacks while Muslims are perfectly armed, the fall of Europe is looming.
This is what I've been saying, and the reason for which I put the cross at the top of this blog, to indicate that this not only a military war, but also a spiritual one.

The fundamental strength of the previous generations who fought off Islam has always been spiritual. Without that, I think it is impossible to defeat Islam. These generations defeated the Muslims precisely because of their spiritual, Christian, confidence. Arms and religion do go together.