Saturday, January 23, 2010

And Ezra Levant Thought His Troubles Were Over

As promised, Ezra Levant's nemesis, Khurrum Awan, is suing him. This time in a real court.

Levant has posted this latest development on his website. He heaps scorn on Awan, saying, "Awan isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer." But, as I've said before, Awan is sharp and relentlessly. And this is why.

Levant's battle with the Muslims who filed his expensive and time-consuming Human Rights Commission complaint was essentially an individual one - him against these "crazy" Muslims. And they're back again, this time with a potential cost of $50,000 for Levant.

Levant admits that Awan's strategy is to "abuse our courts to bully his opponents." So Awan is not losing anything in all this. He is continuing with the tradition of Muslims in Canada, albeit in a more public and aggressive manner. He might even garner some support (and sympathy) from the very tolerant, non-discriminatory Canadian public after the lawsuit is done with.

Awan is simply using the established system and structure to further his Islamic agenda. What he does in this aggressive and public manner is what Muslims in general are doing throughout Canada.
- They are quietly nudging communities to accept their mosques and religious buildings in the name of religious freedom.

- They are insisting that Muslim clothing, such full-face coverage of females, is within their rights.

- Restaurants and fast-food chains are now being coerced to include halal food into their menus

- Television programs are being funded by public monies to include some, if not full, Muslim content (think of the famous Little Mosque on the Prairie).

- Employees are insisting that their daily prayers be respected during work hours.

- Calendars are including Muslim-focused holidays, and some offices are even accepting days off for Muslims celebrating these holidays.
In short, Muslims are pushing at the limits of what they can get away with, with the ultimate aim of converting Canada into a sharia-based Islamic land. Awan may look foolish and incompetent but he is simply part of this larger, broader strategy to ultimately weaken his opponents into conceding small incremental steps into this larger picture.

Awan may lose (in fact, he probably will lose) this lawsuit, but he and his community will simply find other ways to rattle the bones of the likes of Levant. And keep the Ummah rolling.

I've always said that Levant should concentrate on the fundamental culprit that is causing him his troubles. This is Islam itself. Then he can start to address the root of this problem.

It is not simple, but it is better than his solution of fighting endless mini-battles for probably the rest of his professional life.


Levant's post is also posted in its entirety at the International Free Press Society website. I'm sorry to say that one of the astute members of the International Free Press Society, Diana West, who has also posted this in her website, has not mentioned this angle to the story.

Here was a chance to show the link between Islam and free speech, and to show ordinary people (Canadians, Americans, Europeans) that there is some other strategy besides individual skirmishes to deal with this gargantuan problem.

How about mentioning closing the doors of immigration to Muslims and the repatriation of Muslims already here, as a strategy? This seems a better solution to the endless sword fights that people like Levant get pulled into, often winning the short-term battle (lawsuits) but losing the long term ones (society).