Monday, January 11, 2010

Clever Calgary Imams Playing it Safe

Some clever imams have signed a petition for Canadian and American Muslims (and imams) to denounce terrorism.

Of course this is a ploy to get Canadians to exclaim: even imams don't like terrorists!

Firstly, the petition never explains who these extremists are. They could be Tamil Tiger terrorists, for all they care, or abortion clinic bombers.

Second, and related to the first, they don't denounce jihad, which is what Muslim "terrorism" is all about. They of course do not see jihad as terrorism, as this frank (for a change) Muslim announced here. So jihad can continue, but terrorism is out.

Third, they are simply lying. Taqqiya is a common strategy by Muslims in times of jihad and war with infidels and infidel countries to gain the upper hand.

Finally, they make very clear that Canada and the U.S. have already accepted Muslims, who entered these countries and are infiltrating them through the original strategy of Hirja or immigration - which is how Mohammed entered and converted Medina into a Muslim city. As the petition says, Muslims can observe every aspect of their religion, from Ramadan to building mosques, in absolute freedom.

All this petition is doing is to try and avoid angry retaliation by Canadians and Americans after the recent bombing attempt on Christmas day by the Nigerian Muslim.

Don't rock the boat, for now, is the message. But, tomorrow, or the next day, or at any other unpredictable moment, Muslim jihadists can (and will) resume their violent incursion into these countries. It is written in the Koran, after all. And it is not terrorism.