Thursday, December 24, 2009

Viking Spirit at Christmas Time

The Copenhagen Post headlines the following news as an "Uproar in Free Press." It makes the event much more dramatic than it is. What happened was the President of the Danish Free Press Society (and also the International Free Press Society) merely said:

Whenever it is prudent for a Muslim to hide his true intentions by lying or making a false oath in his own or in Islam’s service, then it is ok to do it
And quote:
When a Muslim man rapes a woman, it is his right to do it
The online news story describes Hedegaard as going on
a veritable tirade against Muslims in an interview with website Snappen, accusing them of raping their own children, lying without conscience and basically having no morals whatsoever.
The direct quotes provided by The Copenhagen Post disprove this exaggerated version. Hedegaard is merely describing Taqiyya, a form of covert warfare carried out by Muslims allowing them to lie to their opponents, and the rape of women simply refers to the cultural norm in Islam where the woman is the property of the man.

Several members have quit Hedegaard's Free Press Society, and one Christian minister threatened to do so unless Hedegaard was dismissed from his post. The organization dismissed her instead.

So, on the Eve before Christmas, a Christian minister is more concerned about protecting a belligerent, aggressive, determined, anti-Christian religion, that promises to destroy Christians (and other non-Muslims), rather than pay heed to the words of one of her countrymen.

I met Lars Hedegaard during my travel in New York. I was with him and other members of the International Free Press Society on a long ride (traffic was very bad BOTH ways) to and from Princeton to participate in Kurt Westergaard's presentation at the University. Mr. Hedegaard is an educated, sophisticated man, who has no illusions about what immigration, and especially Muslims, are doing to his country.

I said to him that something of the feisty Danish Vikings, who settled in early England, must have rubbed off onto the English, who repeated this feistiness ten-fold with their own world domination (in language, science, military).

Of course, the English have long lost that spirit, as has much of Europe. But it is good to see it revived, in Westergaard and now Hedegaard. What the world needs now is more of this Viking spirit.