Friday, September 26, 2008

Little Mosque on the Prairie, Canadian version

Little Mosque on the Prairie is fast becoming a Canadian export. Israel, along with France, Finland, the West Bank, Gaza, and Turkey are soon to start airing this CBC product. Strange bedfellows.

And the promotional ads for the Fall season are disturbingly cocky. It's as thought the cast of the show were parodying small town hit shows like Leave it to Beaver or Father knows Best, (how about Little House on the Prairie) knowing full well that that isn't what the show is, or ever will be. "We can make all the fun that we want out of your silly shows of wholesome families and safe neighborhoods" they seem to be saying. Of course, whatever they say will be accepted without any losses, by their self-deprecating bosses at the CBC.

It is worse than parody, it is like some kind of parallel universe where all the wrong things are accepted, and all the right things rejected. A mirror image without the original image.