Saturday, September 27, 2008

Halal Italian Restaurant

Menu for Kara Mia
Halal script in Arabic at top right hand corner of menu

The Toronto Star describes Kara Mia as a “Modern Italian Eatery [that] observes Muslim diet laws.”

While Kara Mia publicly announces its entry into modern Italian cuisine, what it is surreptitiously doing is introducing yet another Islamic element into the ordinary Toronto landscape.

Nowhere in their website is anything Muslim explicitly discussed. Except on the menu. A clear Arabic script for Halal is present on the top right hand corner of the menu. Nothing in English, as by now we have been visually trained to recognize this script.

I wonder who their clientele is? I am sure, though, with the mult-culti spirit of Torontonians, many will enter this restaurant as a matter of course.

One other thing. There are also no alcoholic beverages, of course. So, what is an Italian meal without a Chianti?