Friday, September 26, 2008

Little Mosque on the Prairie, American version


FOX television has acquired the rights to the CBC's "Little Mosque on the Prairie."

The US channel already has a program called "Aliens in America" about a Pakistanini Muslim exchange student to an American high school.

With "Little Mosque", the programmers will be going a step further. The subjects are no longer "alien", but appear very much to be part of the society. It's us who has to get used to them, not them us.

One executive even jokingly called it "Little Mosque in Minnesota." There is no joke, however, about the high Muslim presence in Minnesota, who are affecting cab drives (Muslim drivers have refused to take drivers with alcohol), guard and assistance dogs - Muslim students refused to have a teacher have his special needs dog with him, and even their elected officials' behavior. When Keith Ellison was elected into public office, he performed his swearing in on the Koran.