Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is the Calgary Muslims' Fatwa on Terrorism a Way to Avoid Losing the Immigration Grounds That Muslims Have Gained?

In my last post, "Fatwas on Terrorism by Imams: What Does This Really Mean?" and in a post in January, "Clever Calgary Imams Playing it Safe" I've been trying to figure out what is the meaning of the fatwas on terrorism that Imams in Canada and in England are declaring.

Here is the last part of the fatwa that the Calgary Imams have sent out:
Therefore, any attack on Canada and the United States is an attack on the freedom of Canadian and American Muslims. Any attack on Canada and the United States is an attack on thousands of mosques across North America. It is a duty of every Canadian and American Muslim to safeguard Canada and the USA. They must expose any person, Muslim OR non-Muslim, who would cause harm to fellow Canadians OR Americans. We, Canadian and American Muslims, must condemn and stand up against these attacks on Canada and the United States.
As Islamic scholar Andrew Bieszad, about whom I have written in my previous post, said in his speech, it is a sin for a Muslim to kill another Muslim. Could part of what these Imams are doing is to avoid Muslims killing other Muslims, since killing a fellow-Muslim is a sin? Do the Imams believe that there is now a substantial Muslim population in Canada, which could easily fall victim to terrorist slaughters, that they have to protect it from such deaths?

The fatwa clearly shows that Muslims have gained huge grounds just by their presence alone:
There is no single city in Canada and the United States where MASAJIDS (Mosques) are not built. In all major cities Islamic schools provide education to Muslim children about Qur’an and the Islamic traditions. Thousands of Muslims perform Hajj every year and travel to Saudi Arabia with complete freedom and respect. In the month of Ramadan, both Canadian and the United States governments recognize the occasion and greet all Muslim citizens. Muslims pray five daily prayers in mosques without any fear or restrictions. Muslims have complete freedom to pay Zakat (poor due) to the charity or a person of their choice. Muslims have complete freedom to celebrate their festivals openly, publicly and Islamically. Muslims enjoy freedom of religion just like Christians, Jews and others. No one stops us from obeying Allah and His Messenger (Peace be upon him). No one stops us from preaching Islam and practicing Islam. In many cases, Muslims have more freedom to practice Islam here in Canada and the United States than many Muslim countries.

Read the whole quote, it is quite disconcerting to read how much gains into our societies these Imams feel they have made.

Are the Imams also saying that terrorist actions in Canada will only exacerbate these gains already made in Canada, by focusing attention on the negative and violent aspects of Islam? And that other (jihadi?) Muslims are to leave this successful strategy, of invasion through occupation, alone?

I think part of their explanation for no terrorism (no jihad) is that as Bieszad says, jihad is not mandated by Islam, although at the very least it is permitted, and at its highest value it is commendable and noble. So, the Imams are not contradicting any Koranic orders by declaring terrorism - which is clearly a form of jihad - on Canada and the U.S. a fatwa. It is important to keep their population safe from death by other Muslims, and to continue this incredible Hijra, or immigration, which their host countries are welcoming with open arms.