Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm trying to figure out if a genuine counter-jihad movement exists in Canada. I think there was a potential for one when Ezra Levant was stuck for three years with the absurd Human Rights Commissions complaint for publishing the Mohammed cartoons in his (now defunct) magazine. Other bloggers focused intensely on this issue, reporting on the various episodes as they presented themselves. I also became interested, but chose to write about Levant's reaction to the whole incident. I set up an independent link on the side panel titled: Freedoms.

I wrote that this was Levant's chance to turn the issue not to just freedom of speech and expression, as he is wont to do as a journalist, but to think of the underlying factor that caused his three years of misery. And that would be Islam.

Levant, although he does talk about radical Islam, and writes scathing commentary about individual Muslims, has never connected the dots between the high levels of Muslim immigrants and the treatment he received. He believes it is just a small contingency of radical (and irrational) Muslims. But, he never writes about the silent Muslim majority, which never denounced his three-year ordeal simply for publishing cartoons of their prophet. By their silence, they were in effect supporting their "radical" brothers. And this is surely the example for future events.

Other bloggers which have placed some priority to the Muslim issue are Kathy Shaidle, Kate -------------, Jay Currie, Dr. Roy, Wendy Sullivan and a blogger who goes by Blazing Cat Fur. There may be more, but these are the most vocal. All of them take Levant's stance that jihad is mostly a problem of radical Muslims.

But one of them, Kathy Shaidle, has started to right "Stop All Muslim Immigration" in her headlines. I think this is