Saturday, August 1, 2009

Awan's Victory

Here are some of Canada's conservative pundits and bloggers commenting on the Ezra Levant lawsuit.

From Right Girl:
His Steynship is hosting a fundraiser all day today to deal with the pernicious problem of Khurrum Awan and his hilarious suit against Ezra, wherein Ezra calls the incompetent Awan, er, incompetent.
Kathy Shaidle writes:
Make no mistake: this is not personal. This is another case of SOFT JIHAD.

Beligerent Muslims are using our own societal structure and institutions (like the legal system) to silence their critics.

The soft jihad will not succeed -- but ONLY if we don't weary of the fight, and help each other out.

I KNOW, from personal experience, that this stuff gets depressing and exhausting after a while. So along with giving any money we can, we also need to contribute to keeping each other's morale up.
Jay Currie says:
While the Mohammedan Legal Midget’s threatened lawsuit is sure to provide months of entertainment it all costs money.
Kathy Shaidle is the only one who gets the serious implications of this; the others think it is a combination of entertainment and nuisance. But, Shaidle cedes to depression and exhaution, and group help to boost morale. That's all. This alone shows that Awan has won, unlike her later blog post which Shaidle simply titles: "Mark Steyn: 'We're winning.'"

Of course, she now has to start thinking about alternatives to this "depressing and exhausting" battle, and illuminating her fellow-bloggers on the steps to prevent further Awan-style disruptions from occuring.

One clear-cut and practical way is simply to reduce and reverse Muslim immigration. The fewer Awan's, the fewer lawsuits and other disruptive activity by Muslims that I've been blogging about since the inception of this blog. See the side column under "Action" for well-thought out proposals for these changes in Muslim immigration.