Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ezra Levant's New Lawsuit - No Surprise There

I actually have a lot of respect for Levant's
fighting spirit. He just needs to figure out what
he is really fighting.

That didn't take very long!

Ezra Levant is being sued, in a real court, with real lawyers this time.

By whom, you ask?

By a Muslim!

Well, he is Khurrum Awan. He is part of the group that filed cases with the British Columbia Human Rights Commission, the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Human Rights Commission against MacCleans and Mark Steyn for the excerpt they printed from Steyn's book America Alone.  

Now, Awan is suing Levant ("here's the pdf document) for the "defamatory statements that [Levant has] published on [his] blog located at the URL www.ezralevent.com."

And who will help with the fundraising for the "nuisance suit", as Levant puts it? None other than Mark Steyn. "Check in tonight  [Tuesday July 28] at midnight" writes Steyn. 

Steyn should have fond memories of Awan since he was in that famous TVO almost-non-debate with him (here is the five-part video of the TVO episode), until Steve Paikan's journalistic integrity shone through and brought Steyn over into the debating room with Awan and his two (female) stooges, who had initially refused to debate Steyn.

And one of the women made covert threats towards Mark Steyn asking him if he likes to be a martyr.

This is what I've been talking about. For Muslims, the HRCs were just a gimmick, a tool, to disrupt and disorient their opponents. Levant went through three strenuous years fighting off his HRC suit. Now, he has to sit through this charade in the guise of a "real" lawsuit.

I wonder what battle Levant will fight next, to prevent more "nuisance" suits against him, because I don’t doubt they will happen again? The HRC war is almost over, but the enemy still stands!