Saturday, May 16, 2009

Now Magazine's Unreliable Allies

Now's "Think Free" sign in the parking
lot across from Starbucks.
This was an unusual photo op.
Now's main office is just a few blocks up.

Ezra Levant's book, "Shakedown: How Our Government is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights" is now fourth on the Globe and Mail hardcover best seller's list.

He writes about his first negative review, from Toronto's Now magazine entertainment writer Susan Cole. Her review admonishes him for publishing those infamous Mohammed cartoons, taking of course the standard "he hurt the feelings of Muslims" position which is what Human Rights Commissions were made for.

Now readers would have none of this, attacking Cole for attacking free speech. But, despite Now's slogan "Think Free", I still don't trust its readers (or its writers). If the HRC and the cartoon episode weren't such a blatant breach of journalistic integrity, Now readers would be as leftist as they come. "Think Free" really means, "Think Like Us Lefties".

Levant shouldn't be so pleased with their reaction. I doubt that in other issues, they would be on his side.