Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Muslim Immigrants (Again)

Upon re-reading my last post, I talk about immigrants (and specifically Muslim immigrants) in this manner:
That's the problem with immigration. We are forced to take people on a human level...
I should have written something like:
We are forced to behave towards immigrants in a humane way (meaning sympathetic, if not compassionate).
Of course all immigrants are human. But their very presence taxes our own human reflexes. Many people instinctively know, despite the MSM's assertion to the contrary, that Muslim immigrants are dangerous to our society. So, how should we behave towards individual Muslims, who are indeed many times nice people? Should we be antagonistic towards them? Sociable? Aloof? Generous? Tolerant?

This conflicting position in which they put us, negating our own humanness if we decide to treat them inhumanely, is brought about simply by their presence here. Our human nature tells us to be kind and respectful to people. Yet our survival instinct tells us that these are not people on par with us - they are not like us, and in fact they themselves wish our demise.