I've always being ambivalent about our Canadian self-appointed conservative spokesmen, from Kathy Shaidle to Wendy Sullivan(her of the I Am Sarah Palin video fame), and even the boisterous Ezra Levant.
For all their outspokenness, I find them to be "conservative-lite". Or maybe it is the Mark Steyn Kool Aid, that's influencing the group.
I've put Shaidle to task about her appearance on public television, coming unprepared to speak on topics at hand (the last one was on atheism, previously it was a panel on the ordination of the recent pope), and just spouting out a couple of irritated and angry words. I've also written about her interview with Robert Spencer on Islam, where she gave him a lot of slack.
Wendy Sullivan did the same on the Michael Coren Show, which I actually think Coren was more in the right (no pun intended) than in the wrong for chastising her.
This same group has also spent an inordinate amount of time sympathizing with Chinese minorities for an innocent gaffe that an adversary leftist - Warren Kinsella - wrote on his blog.
This all comes to Shaidle's latest post.
Ezra Levant is on a book tour for Shakedown, his latest on Human Rights Commission revelations, which he did a great job of describing here on the Michael Coren Show. Yesterday, he posted a photo of his Calgary book signing, which was nothing unusual, except I hope that he has the permission of these people to have their faces all over the internet - they could be potential HRC victims!
Well, Shaidle has picked up on that photo and uses is as a great example of...diversity! Look at those minorities in "redneck" Calgary, and how they support freedom of speech (because the whole point for this group regarding the HRC is the stifling of freedom of speech.)
She then goes on to write a completely unrelated story about that neo-con conman Conrad Black (look at all those cons!), and a cocktail party she attended, filled with elite immigrants and non-whites (Mark Steyn is also in there somewhere.) Yes, we all know what elite immigrants are really up to in Canadian politics (bringing in more immigrants.)
Well, the funny think about Levant's photo is all I see are two non-whites, or as Shaidle writes, "a black guy and an Asian dude", which doesn't make for much rejoicing, if that's what Shaidle is doing.
Also, there is no knowing why these two showed up, maybe they just want to say whatever they please, and "don't want no" Commission telling them what to do. Who knows if they really care about Canada as a nation, which is the whole point of true conservatism, I would think.
I've tried to figure out the real purpose of her post might be. I think she’s getting a lot of flack from her readers for her sporadic “Your religion is f***ing retarded” outbursts about Muslims, and her various attacks on Toronto blacks. I think its getting to her that people are calling her "racist." She just doesn’t want to be called racist anymore, and needs her readership to keep on supporting her.
Another think I have to mention is that she doesn't have any real idea of what she wants for Canada. As long as there are those who will violently or obnoxiously disrupt the peace, then she'll be on the forefront. She hates Islam because it is "retarded", writes about blacks and their inadvertent attraction for guns (and welfare), hates Warren Kinsella because he pokes fun at "conservatives", and wrote her book Tyranny of Nice, yet wants to be nice herself (for now.)
And this from someone who just wrote a book called the Tyranny of Nice!
I’ve always maintained that the biggest problem with the fight against Islam is the vitriol that comes from the conservative side. Instead of name-calling, get the facts straight. Win your arguments based on information rather than rants. And you will win. Don’t give the Muslims (or liberals, or minorities) fodder for attacking you with your ill-conceived and unnecessary attacks.
Her attention in the media is purely based on her outspokenness on issues she doesn’t like. And I don’t think this makes for a very good conservative spokesman.
I definitely miss the outspoken, intelligent and erudite Ambler, who I hope is faring well since he's been absent from his website for many months now. We need more people who can articulate the problems, and find solutions to them. Not those who just yell at the top of their voices when they find something they don't like. Unfortunately, this is really what Shaidle is, or has become.
I wish her best in her uneven battle to right what she thinks is wrong. But she's better off taking time to think, study and attack on foundations, rather than just yell whenever things go wrong.
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