Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Little Mosque" is Scraping Along While "Corner Gas" is Gone

Finally it's happened. With budget constraints looming, the CBC has cut that show with the ever-declining ratings, Little Mosque on the Prairie.

Wait, that's not exactly what's happening. The CBC isn't cutting the show per se, but is cutting down on new episodes, and showing more reruns.

That is exactly as I predicted about three months ago in my article How Canada's Little Mosque on the Prairie is aiming to take over our souls, when I wrote:
Ratings [for Little Mosque on the Prairie] are down from the premier of two million viewers in January 2007 to about 500,000 in the latest poll in November 2008. But such low ratings have never stopped the CBC from maintaining ideologically appropriate programs: left-leaning, often anti-American/anti-Western, with a multicultural angle.
Meanwhile, CTV's Corner Gas, another sitcom about life in small town rural Saskatchewan, which as far as I know has no Muslims or mosques in sight, is being canceled despite its popularity, with ratings of 1,184,000 for the week of March 24.

It wasn't budget problems that caused the show to shut down, but after six seasons as Canada's most popular comedy, Corner Gas' creator Brent Butt decided it was better to leave while still on top.

That is something the Little Mosque crowd will never do. Better to eke out ideologically appropriate "comedy" to get the masses slowly indoctrinated. After all, there are so many things to cover, and reruns just won't cut it!