There is an important conference coming up from February 6-8 in Baltimore, Maryland called "Preserving Western Civilization".
This relates to Geert Wilders' quote which I've put as a banner on top of this blog:
"The Islamization of our Western culture is a real threat to everything we stand for."
This conference will address this issue, amongst others. From the conference program:
We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.
Here's a link for registration and conference details.
Lawrence Auster, who will also be participating, has more on his site. See also the "Action" link I have on the right panel about Mr. Auster's: proposition for separating from Islam through a "rollback, isolate, and contain" strategy.