A very vocal Muslim woman from Iran, Homa Arjomand, made it her life's goal to stop Sharia in Ontario a few years ago. To avoid the many negative impacts of Sharia on Muslim women, as was her main argument, the Jewish and Catholic arbitrations were also dismantled, and the Muslim Sharia thus lost its bid. Multiculturalism won a strange victory.
I wrote about this in Islam's Missionary Women where I say:
All these women [Homa Arjomand, Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan and Irshad Manji] are pleading that their Western compatriots help them reform Islam and support their fellow Muslim women in achieving their dreams of transformed lives in the West. Each of them is using the rhetoric of freedom of the individual, freedom of expression, and a simplistic concept of secularism to justify her appeals.Brigitte Gabriel is another Arab woman speaking against Islam, but who is a few steps ahead of the rest perhaps because she is Christian. Her new book, They Must Be Stopped, attempts to address what to do with the growing Muslim presence in the US. It is equally relevant in Canada.
But our duty as Westerners is not to reform Islam, nor to accommodate Muslim women--those very women who will have male and female Muslim off-spring, thereby turning our countries into what they left behind. Our responsibility is to make sure that Islam is kept at a distance, which includes Muslims...We can never be sure if our assistance to these multitudes of Muslim women would alleviate their plight, but making drastic changes in our own societies in response to their grievances will only damage us.
I have written about Brigitte's impassioned demands previously [also links to her 2006 Frontpagemag.com interview], and in her recent January 16, 2008 interview at Frontpagemag.com, she still doesn't come up with a better plan than stopping them from doing whatever it is they're doing through regulations, laws and constant monitoring.
Her argument is to stop them once they are here. One major thesis of her argument should be to stop the from coming here in the first place. She doesn't say this at all in her interview, although in her 2006 interview she does say "close our borders". That's it. In fact, in her 2008 interview, she seemed to have regressed. No mention is made about border closing at all.
They Must Be Stopped has to include the argument that allowing such a large, dangerous group in our society is unacceptable.
Brigitte now needs to think one more step ahead. In a sane world, no Muslims should be admitted into our countries. In an even saner world, we should find ways to remove such a large presence of a group that is eternally set to destroy us (for reasons of their own which they certainly find valid) . The policies need to be fine-tuned, but that is the direction that Brigitte, as a vocal and well-known spokesman, should be going.
Although to be fair, the full title of her book is They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam And How We Can do It .
In order to really critique it, I should read the whole thing, including the part where she says "How we can do it." But the problem is, she never talks about the "how", always about the "what" (sometimes about the "why".) I don't know why this is, but Robert Spencer once told in me in an interview that he feels the public is not ready for the "how".
But, if they never talk about it at important interviews, how is the public ever going to be interested in, and realize the feasibility of the "how"?