Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mercer is at it again

Here are the definitive first two paragraphs of Ilana Mercer's post on Jared Lee Loughner:
… Jared Lee Loughner was both fixated on his representative’s imagined failings, and preoccupied with language and its misuse. These elements combined and then combusted in his head.

As a writer who really loves the English language, I am intrigued by the intrusive, persistent thoughts about grammar and illiteracy to have plagued Loughner.
This is what she writes about a mass-murdering schizophrenic, compare him with her love of (which translates later on in the long-winded article, her expertise on) words. Besides the weird analogy, this is a typically smug Mercer statement. I've already discussed Mercer's uninteresting writing style (see references below), but for her to compare it with the ramblings of a schizophrenic seals it all.

Here's another, where she ties in her libertarian, anti-government ideology with the inner-genius of a schizophrenic:
Perhaps, then, it was not speech per se that inflamed Loughner's febrile passions, but, rather, Orwellian speech; lies that belie reality.
And finally:
"Crazies" know right from wrong.
Brilliant, even by Mercer's standards.

Here are more blog posts on Mercer:
- Round-up of the Blogs and Misconceptions About Islam
- Idiot Libertarians - No Scare Quotes This Time
- "Idiot" Libertarians
- Where Have All the Conservatives Gone?
- Mercer as the Nihilistic Usual (Ultimate) Suspect