Thursday, December 30, 2010

Round-up of the Blogs and Misconceptions About Islam

"La Femme Loire", posted on
Gallia Watche's blog

1. GalliaWatch has posted on a gargantuan sculpture that is to be placed behind the Marmoutier Abbey in France. It is the usual modern fare of the louder, bigger, kitchier, the better. There is no art in the piece.

Yet, why shouldn't this horrendous sculpture be placed there? France touts itself as a secular nation, and this abbey hasn't been functioning as a Christian center for generations. If people cannot even respect, let alone allow to function, their Christian institutions, then anything else is free to come and replace, or destroy, it.

Isn't that one of the successful strategies of Islam?

Here's what Wikipedia says about the Marmoutier Abbey:
The abbey was disestablished in 1799 during the French Revolution, and within a few decades the bulk of its buildings had been demolished. Today its grounds contain a private school, and of its former structures only a few ruins remain.
2. Ilana Mercer keeps repeating (and linking to) a mantra, "We are Doomed" interspersed in her blog posts. But like many things Mercer writes, it isn't even her original idea or thought. She borrowed it from a nihilistic book title by John Derbyshire, which Mercer is actively publicizing on her blog. Derbyshire's full title is: We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism. Isn't conservatism about optimism? We are confident that what we have is worth keeping, that it is positive and good. Of course, we base this on many things, one of which is our Christianity. And Christians and Conservatives Derbyshire and Mercer are not.

That really is the fundamental difference, isn't it, between pessimists and optimists. Pessimist believe in nothing, they are nihilists to the core. Their great system is to believe in doom, in nothing.

Mercer and Derbyshire do have their belief systems, but they lead directly to nihilism. Mercer's Libertarianism is her religion that excludes everything but the sacrosanct individual. The empty narcissist. No wonder this leads her to doom, and enter the "higher" realm of Derbyshire's belief system via his pathological liberalism, which is nihilism.

It is also a little infantile to just keep repeating "We are Doomed" scattered "liberally" in articles supposedly meant for sophisticated reading. But, I have never been impressed with Mercer's writing style either.

Although self-anointed intellectuals like Mercer and Derbyshire will never acknowledge this, their doom (and emptiness) is precisely the kind of emptiness that Islam (and evil) looks for, to fill up and influence that emptiness with something.

3. The bloggers at Gates of Vienna have posted an article on Sam Solomon. The writer of the article, Henrik R. Clausen, describes Solomon's background as a "retired Islamic scholar." Solomon, whom I describe as a "Muslim scholar and sharia law expert" never retired from Islamic scholarship. He simply stopped becoming a Muslim, and converted to Christianity. He is therefore an apostate. And because of the death threat hanging over his head, he has to go into hiding. Solomon hasn't shown any indication of retirement, and continues to write books on Islam while in hiding. His latest book, released in February 2010, is titled: Al-Yahud: Eternal Islamic Enmity and the Jews.

Voluntary retirement and forced withdrawal from public life due to a death threat hanging over one's head are two very different things. This is not a small error. The writers at Gates of Vienna should have called Clausen out on this. Many counter-Jihad movements like Gates of Vienna work on some wishful thinking premise that Islam can be reformed, and that those death threats are made, and followed through, by a tiny minority of Muslim fanatics. The reality is simply that apostates are required, by the Koran, to be purged and killed. All good Muslims believe this, and that means the majority of Muslims. Sam Solomon left Islam when he abdicated from his role as an Islamic scholar and sharia law expert and later converted to Christianity, and therefore he is considered an apostate. He will forever live in fear of being murdered.