Mansur was on the Michael Coren Show recently, where he spent around twenty minutes talking to Coren about his book. He doesn't budge from his National Post excerpt where he says that the true Islam was sabotaged by a violent, murdering faction of Muslims at the onset of Islam. This faction set the stage by murdering Mohammed’s family after his death. Mansur unabashedly says with that historical moment, Islam opted for violence, rather than the peaceful religion which Mohammed advocated.
Coren is once again tongue-tied. It is fantastic. He should have simply quoted passages from the Koran which advocate violence and specific killings (if really interested in the violence embedded in Islam, he would have come prepared with these quotes) and asked Mansur to interpret them for him.
Mansur may be bitter toward the Islam which has relegated his version of Islam to the side-lines, but it boggles the mind that he categorically ignores what is written in the Koran to provide his own nostalgic and bitter version.
I have called Mansur dangerous in my previous post. At this time of seething jihadi activities, where Muslims are simply answering the call of the Koran, having a respected scholar come up with such a book does unimaginable damage to ordinary Canadians who will try to find any excuse to like this alien and violence-infused religion.