A correspondent who calls sings himself off as Jeff (England) sent me an email slightly berating my positions on what to do about Muslims.
Here are some of his pertinent points, over several email exchanges:
1) REMOVAL of legal Muslim immigrants is not an option and never will be.Saying that he doesn't think moderate Muslims will help any time soon in the fight against Islam since they also believe the Koran is literally true and unchangeable (he is essentially saying that there is no moderate Muslim), he then goes on to suggest an interesting and new, to me, option:
2)Reducing LEGAL MUSLIM IMMIGRATION. Like Larry Auster and some others, I have called for a policy ZERO Muslim immigration to the West/UK/USA to be enacted by governments. But realistically a zero option is not going to happen.
3)Reducing ILLEGAL MUSLIM IMMIGRATION. Most illegal immigrants in both the U.S. and the UK are not Muslims. So though there is some will to reduce ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION in general, even if it happens it won't impact greatly on the amount of Muslims in the West.
I have called for encouragement of the creation of 'diluted' Muslims...A small minority young 2nd generation UK Muslims are already what I might call 'diluted'. I know a few. The likes of Hirsi Ali and Irshad Manji are examples of 'diluted' Muslims. We must encourage this 'dilution' it to happen even if it incorporates a degree of secularism.His rather apocalyptic view point also includes these thoughts:
Saving 'White Christian Civilisation' is no longer a realistic option. American, the UK and the West are going to be multi-racial and multi-religious forever.As thought the two situations are intertwined. A multi-racial and mutli-religious America (or Canada) can exist with a majority of White Christian Civilization.
But, that's not the point of this discussion. It is this new term "diluted" that has caught my attention.
Here is Jeff (England's) explanation for a diluted Muslim:
Diluted Muslims exist but there are not enough of them. Some are atheists, others barely are religious, some even practice other religions. By a diluted Muslim I mean a Muslim who was a practicing Muslim but no longer does in any significant way. I know a few personally so I can state for a fact they exist. The key is to increase their numbers.This is an interesting characterization of a non-Islam practicing cultural Muslim only. Hirsi Ali has used this term often. Jeff is equating his "diluted" Muslim with diluted Christians as he says:
Many if not most Christians in the West are what I would call 'diluted' Christians. People with a level of nominal belief in their religion but basically leaning towards a secular mindset. Many Jews are also 'diluted' Jews.What I think Jeff is trying to say is there are cultural Christians, cultural Jews, so why not cultural Muslims? Muslims who don't believe in the Koran wholeheartedly, who will pick and choose what suits them, and who are easier to deal with. Some examples he gives of diluted Muslims are Hirsi Ali and Irshad Manji. Ali has called herself an outright atheist, although she talks about her Muslim "sensibilities", and Manji, the lesbian Muslim, prays daily, follows Ramadan, and is trying to change Islamic views towards homosexuals, amongst other things.
I responded to Jeff by saying:
KPA: There is no telling that these so-called Atheist Muslims/diluted Muslims (or cultural Muslims) will not at some point pick up the Koran at a moment of cultural alienation.
Jeff (England): ABSURD!
He then goes on to confuse "dilute" Muslim with ex-Muslims, and lumping Brigitte Gabriel, who is Arab, but certainly never was or is any kind of Muslim to make his point.
So, just as Hirsi Ali conflates her atheism and her "cultural" Muslim