This site started its odyssey (strong word for such a small blog, I know, but the ambitions were high) with the intention of recording the good and the bad that is happening in (my) Western culture. I wanted to focus on art and culture, but inevitably I had to get into areas like immigration and multiculturalism, factors which are negatively affecting the culture I'm writing about.
There is an important conference taking place this weekend in Baltimore, Maryland entitled Preserving Western Civilization. As far as I know, it is the first of its kind. I think it is a timely and necessary conference. It represents what I'm trying to do here at Camera Lucida and Our Changing Landscape, at least in blogging about the issues.
Some participating speakers include:
- Lawrence Auster from the View From the Right, whose website covers issues from Islam, to liberalism, to Christianity and Darwinism with a traditionalist perspective.
Mr. Auster will be presenting on A Real Islam Policy for a Real America.
- John Philippe Rushton, psychology professor from the University of Western Ontario, who has been criticized by Canadian media, and has even received the honor of David Suzuki's attention with Suziki saying, "There will always be Rushtons in science, and we must always be prepared to root them out!" for his views, including his book Race, Evolution and Behavior.
- Peter Brimelow, founder of Vdare, an immigration restriction site, and Brenda Walker contributing writer at Vdare.
I'm not sure about hotel reservations and conference tickets, but there's more information here, including the topics the speakers will be discussing. I would think Washington D.C. and Baltimore residents can go for the day (both days or one only).